Meet Our Fellows Blog Series: Maxx Hamm

Maxx and colleague, Svetlana Roik, celebrate a successful pitch that provided funding for series of youth civic engagement seminars as well as equipment for a rural youth scouting club. 

As a native Hoosier born in Indianapolis, I spent a good portion of my young life trying to leave Indiana. Starting in high school and throughout my college years, I sought every opportunity to travel abroad, and learn and grow from those experiences. My undergraduate experience was anything but ordinary; I spent four years at the Virginia Military Institute (VMI) seeking this international experience and working to find my niche in a career that would provide me the opportunity to serve my community. At VMI, I studied international studies, modern languages, and national security. Unfortunately, my plans to pursue a military career were derailed by a medical disqualification. At that time, one of my officers told me, “service is service, no matter what form it may be.” He encouraged me to consider the Peace Corps, which sounded preposterous to me. As graduation loomed closer, I was left without a solid direction and thus decided to apply. Within the year, I was accepted to the Peace Corps and moved to western Ukraine where I served as a Youth Development Volunteer for three years. Though unexpected, my time in Peace Corps was serendipitous. The skills I gained there were valuable and transferrable. My life path gradually became clearer.

After completing my Peace Corps service and returning to Indiana, I was still uncertain about my next step. My acceptance to Notre Dame’s Master of Nonprofit Administration program steered me here to South Bend. Being back in my home state, armed with the skills I acquired abroad, and gaining new knowledge in the field of nonprofit administration made me realize that here is where I can build my future. By giving back to the communities that raised me, right here in Indiana, I am ensuring that my experience abroad was more than just a great experience.

At enFocus, I am leveraging the skills I have gained through my academic pursuits and experience abroad to develop creative solutions for local problems. The value to me, as an enFocus Fellow, lies not only in the opportunity to grow professionally, but mostly in the opportunity to serve my community. Now, I am able look back with great clarity and appreciate the people and experiences that have led me to where I am today.

Learn more about the 2020-2022 enFocus Fellows weekly in our Meet Our Fellows Blog Series.